Vanessa Vasadi Figueroa

Chief Executive Microbiologist

Independent Consultant

Passionate Educator

Scientific Thought Leader

VVF Science

VVF Science provides the scientific know-how, leadership talent, and business acumen required to solve urgent pharmaceutical manufacturing challenges and bring safe, compliant products to market around the globe.

Vanessa Figueroa is an exceptional pharmaceutical microbiologist and leader I had the good fortune to work with recently. Vanessa joined me as a consultant when, in a previous role, I was leading the Quality organization for a company attempting to gain a first-in-class approval for an oncology product …

Bryan Ball | Chief Quality Officer | Immunomedics

Vanessa combines an in-depth knowledge of pharmaceutical microbiology with exceptional leadership skills to help clients design and execute a path to optimal compliance, efficiency and environmental control. As a colleague or project partner her value is unsurpassed.

Michael Levitt | VP of Strategic Operations | Quality Executive Partners, Inc.

Vanessa’s commitment to excellence is a hallmark of her approach to her life. I’ve witnessed it in the quality of the relationships she maintains with her mentors and professors, in the mentoring she has brought to SUNY New Paltz …

Barbara Caldwell | Director, Alumni Engagement | SUNY New Paltz

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Microbial Scientist

Vanessa is a master of the science. That’s one part of her story. She also expertly navigates the intricacies of lab and team operations. Don’t sacrifice one for the other.

This is My Story
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Business Consultant

A skillful communicator across organizational levels and a proven collaborator, Vanessa is a true scientist who speaks C-suite plus a business partner who translates tech-talk.

This is My Story
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Leader & Educator

Internationally recognized as a trusted team leader, passionate educator, and talent advocate, Vanessa serves with heart and lives by example.

This is My Story

A skilled molecular microbiologist and accomplished businesswoman, Vanessa is recognized for her pioneering work in life sciences education and her advocacy for modernizing pharmaceutical manufacturing.

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Microbial Control and Identification: Strategies Methods Applications

Vanessa Vasadi Figueroa (Ch. 15 Managing Stock Cultures) joins other microbiologists and biopharmaceutical industry leaders in this 2018 PDA release to explore the role of microbial identification knowledge as a cornerstone in the concept of microbial and contamination control programs. May 2018

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Microbial Data Deviation Investigations in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Technical Report No. 88 presents a holistic approach for performing a microbiological investigation. It provides a framework to assist with focusing on the investigational areas that may contain or contribute to the root cause of data deviations, such as sampling, test methodology, and suitability of the test, as opposed to providing methods for analysis of batch acceptability. January 2022

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Environmental Monitoring In Cleanrooms: Six Factors To Consider When Evaluating A Digital System

This white paper addresses six key selection factors to consider when deciding on software for an Environmental Monitoring (EM) program, and how each of those factors can improve workflow efficiency, overall program compliance, facilitate detection of potential contamination or adverse trends, and ultimately allow an organization to lean into a more data driven culture.

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